2009 Festival Provisional
The Ciders
APPLEDRAM Cider W.SUSS. 7.5% Medium. Culinary
and dessert varieties. Fruity, clean finish
with bite.
ASHGROVE Orchard Harvest cider. HEREFS.
6.5% Medium. Cider apple varieties . Uniquely,
sweetened with pear juice.
BATTLE Cider E.SUSS. 8% Medium. Culinary,
dessert + cider apple varieties. Very clean
and exceptionally fruity
BLAENGAWNEY Cider GLAM. 7.8% Medium. Cider
apple varieties. Full and round bodied.
CHIDDINGSTONE Cider KENT 7.5% Medium-Sweet.
Culinary/dessert apples. Wine-like in quality
and finish.
CROSSMANS Cider SOM. 6% Sweet. Cider apple
varieties. Perennially popular ciders.
GREEN VALLEY Cider DEVON 8.3% Medium.
Cider apple varieties. CAMRA Cider of the
Year 2008.
GWATKINS Yarlington Mill HEREFS. 7.5%
Medium. SV Yarlington Mill. Once again an
instant best seller!
GWATKINS Stoke Red HEREFS. 7.5% Medium.
SV Stoke Red. Sumptuous, succulent, full-bodied.
GWYNT Y DDRAIG Black Dragon GLAM. 7.2%
Medium-Dry. Cider apple varieties, high
%age K.Black. A prize-winner in waiting!!!
HECKS Kingston Black cider SOM. 7% Medium-Dry.
SV Kingston Black. Oak-fermented. CAMRA
Cider of the Year 2006
HECKS Port Wine cider SOM. 6.5% Medium.
SV Port Wine of Glastonbury. Oak-fermented.
Vintage apple, classy cider.
JB cider W.SUSS. 7.5% Dry Cider apple
varieties. Well-balanced blend, drier than
most dry ciders.
JB cider W.SUSS. 7.5% Medium Cider apple
varieties As above, but slightly sweetened.
JOLLY DRY cider E.SUSS. 7.5% Dry Culinary
and dessert apples. What it says on the
label…slightly "medicinal"
Little Red Rooster cider perry E.SUSS.
8.4% Sweet. Culinary, dessert & cider
apples + pears. A well-rounded crowd pleaser
MONTGOMERY Old Monty cider POWYS 6.3%
Dry. Cider apple varieties Full of traditional
OAKWOOD Discovery cider E.SUSS. 6.5% Org.Medium.
SV Discovery. Very fruity, very easy drinking.
PORTSLADE Wild Thing cider W.SUSS. 7.2%
Medium. Wildings/scrumps from the South
Downs. Still working -ever popular blend.
ROSS-ON-WYE cider HEREFS. 6% Medium. Cider
apple varieties - oak matured Well-balanced;
for those who know their cider.
SEVERN SIDER cider GLOS. 7.4% Sweet. Cider
apple varieties - whisky-casked. Big, full-bodied,
very traditional.
SHEPPYS cider SOM. 6% Sweet. Cider apple
varieties NCCP favourites since 1981
WINKLEIGH Autumn Scrumpy DEVON 7.5% Medium-Sweet.
Culinary and dessert varieties. Apples,
apples, apples.
The Perries
BROADOAK perry SOM. 6% Sweet. Perry pear
varieties Liquid pear drops.
DUNKERTONS perry HEREFS. 8% Org. Medium-Sweet.
Perry pear varieties. Clean, wine-like finish.
GWATKIN Oldfield Perry HEREFS. 7.5% Medium.
SV Oldfield. A class act by any standards
GWYNT Y DDRAIG 2 Trees perry GLAM. 5% Medium-Dry.
Perry pear varieties. Always meticulously
made and aged in oak.
HECKS Blakeney Red perry SOM. 6.5% Medium-Dry.
SV Blakeney Red. Oak-fermented. A sure-fire
full fruit hit
OAKWOOD perry E.SUSS. 6% Org. Medium. Perry
pears. Full of fruit and very easy drinking.
OLIVERS Blakeney Red perry HEREFS. 7% Medium-Dry.
SV Blakeney Red. Smooth, clean and fruity.
OLIVERS Oldfield perry HEREFS. 7% Medium-Dry.
SV Oldfield. Very pear-y nose lots of green
ROSS -ON-WYE Circus Pear perry HEREFS.
7.5% Medium-Dry. SV Circus Pear. Whisky-casked
Strong with gentle whisky notes |