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Committee Meeting, 8th August 2002 | |||||||||||||||
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Worthing Football Club Supporters
Association (WFCSA) Minutes of Committee Meeting
Date: Thursday 8th August 2002 Present: Paul Allison (PA) - Chair Steve Barrett (SB) Helen Bowater (HB) - Minutes Mike Way (MW) Steve Storey (SS) Emma Storey (ES) Belinda Jones (BJ) Pauline Dunn (PD) Apologies: Roger Johnson (RJ) Pete McGinn (PM) Absent: Peter Shaugnessy (PS) 1 Apologies 1.1 RJ & PM send their apologies. 1.2 PA advised still unable to contact Peter Shaugnessy. 2 Minutes of Previous Meeting 2.1 (2.1) Thanks to Pauline and her Manager at the Salvation Army Charity Shop for donating the display case to WFCSA. PA to note thanks in programme. BJ to email PA the details of the shop. PA/BJ 2.2 (2.3) SB to take forms to the bank. Carried forward to next meeting. SB 2.3 (2.5) The town centre launch was a success and fliers advertising the Brighton friendly, with a full fixture list on the reverse were handed out. 2.4 (2.6) PA spoke to Alastair McKail and he has been very helpful to WFCSA in his Woodside Ways articles. As yet nothing has appeared on the official website as Steve Wyatt has been moving house. PA has designed a trial website for WFCSA alone, and it would cost £20 (approx) to buy the name www.wfcsa.co.uk for 2 years. All agreed for PA to do this. Everyone to think about the content of the site. PA to design the site and update it. PA/All 2.5 (2.7) HB to circulate contact list of committee members after the AGM. HB 2.6 (2.9) Still pending a full board meeting. Carried forward. PA 2.7 (2.11) HB advised membership cards have been ordered from PEP Printers and should arrive in time for the AGM. PEP agreed a 15% reduction for allowing them to print an advert on the back of the cards. HB to fill out etc before the AGM.Thanks to ES for obtaining quotes from the Council print unit. HB 2.8 (2.18) BJ advised she has ordered 5 trophies, plus a larger one for the end of the season and the plaques can be engraved later. Design to be chosen by BJ, PD & ES. BJ to email PA details of the shop for mention in the programme. BJ/PD/ES 2.9 (2.19) MW advised player sponsorship of Andy Beech has been paid for. 2.10 (2.21) SB advised the current tea urn has been kindly donated by Wiston Tea Rooms. PA advised the tea rooms will be in the programme for the rest of the season for all their help. SB has obtained a cash & carry card. SB & HB to be signatories for the card. 2.11 (3.1) Thanks to SS for the revised Constitution, which was all completed and sent out to members with their renewal letter. 2.12 (3.2) The date of the AGM has been altered in the Constitution to April/May. 2.13 (3.3) PA/HB advised the letter, new membership forms and revised Constitution were photocopied by RJ and have been sent to all members from last season. 2.14 (4.2) PA advised the agenda for the AGM had been emailed to all committee members, and everyone had seen it. HB will have spare copies of the agenda at the AGM. HB 2.15 (4.4) PA expressed thanks to PM for the specimen quiz questions, however it was agreed by all that these were possibly a bit difficult on the whole. PA advised he was happy to write the quiz questions and will be quizmaster on the night, with HB to help with marking etc. PA also advised he would be writing to Horsham, Bognor and Lewes to invite a team from each to take part. PA/HB 2.16 (4.5) Christmas Social Event carried forward to next meeting, although a suggested date is the Bromley home game on December 28. RJ/SS 2.17 (5.1) PA advised the T-shirt order was placed and will hopefully be here for the start of the season. Payment will be required on collection. PA 2.18 (6.1) 100 Club carried forward to next meeting, by which time we should have member's feedback from membership forms about the viability of this idea. PA suggested the possibility of committee members to canvas friends/colleagues for further interest. ALL 2.19 (7.1) Welcome sign carried forward. PA 2.20 (7.4) PA advised that the matchball sponsorship would be £60 per game, to include 2 match tickets. For £150 the match itself may be sponsored, including 6 VIP tickets, boardroom refreshments/hospitality, awarding the man of the match, and a mention in the matchday programme. Any decision will be carried forward until after the AGM. PA 3 Upcoming Events 3.1 PA advised the AGM will be on this coming Tuesday, 13th August, with a 7.30 for 8pm start. In order to be quorate we will require one fifth of the membership. There will be a free prize draw for all members in attendance. First prize of £20 club shop voucher, then two smaller prizes of a box of chocolates and a goody-bundle of WFCSA merchandise. PA expressed his thanks to Jools for his help with the voucher, and to MW for arranging the payment. 3.2 ES suggested it would be an idea to have name badges for the committee members at the AGM, so that people might know who we are. SS to arrange badges. SS 3.3 PA will put up posters around the ground for the Ilford game to advertise the AGM. 3.4 PA advised we need current committee members to help with the running of the AGM, volunteered for as follows:Membership duties at the door - HB till 8pm, SS/ES to take over for the duration of the meeting.Chair - PAFinancial Update - MWRaffle draw organisation - BJ/PD. All 3.5 PA advised there will be another flyer drop in Worthing Town Centre on the 10th August. SB is collecting a table from the main bar for HB/SB, and also volunteered for handing out leaflets were SS, PA & PD. PA/HB/SS/SB/PD 4 Merchandise Update 4.1 PA advised after a slow start to the merchandise sales, we have now sold approx 25 keyrings, 20 red and 12 blue badges. PA also advised that the blue badges would be a limited one off edition of 50. PA expressed his thanks to SB for the merchandise display board and sales are now picking up. 4.2 PA advised that there have been six pre-orders for T-shirts already, and it was suggested that we take some merchandise to away games for sale to our members. SB volunteered to take merchandise to Leatherhead and Bromley. SB 4.3 HB showed an example of a WFCSA Teddy Bear for opinion on whether we would wish to sell them in the hut. It was agreed this would be a good idea for Christmas and HB will find out the unit cost of each bear. HB 4.4 PA advised it may be possible to sell WFCSA merchandise in the club shop at non-members prices. PA to speak to Jamie and Jools and supply stock. PA 5 Catering 5.1 PA advised the tea-hut has so far been a phenomenal success. Wiston Tea Rooms provided the catering for the Brighton game, and gave a generous portion of the profits back to WFCSA. Thanks to Pam & Keith Kennett, and Debbie & Colin Johnson for all their efforts. 5.2 With regard to the future staffing of the hut, PA advised that Wiston Tea Rooms have offered to continue to help with catering for Saturday matches, however this will not be until at least September. In the meantime PA & PD will cover the Ilford game (10/08), SB, HB & PA will cover the Ashford game (17/08) and ES & SS will cover the Epsom & Ewell game (26/08). PA advised someone on each day must arrive at the club at about 1pm to switch on the urn etc. In addition tea-hut staff should bring milk, and the cost will be reimbursed from takings, leaving the receipt in the till. Thanks to SB & HB for milk provided so far. PA/HB/PD/SB/SS/ES 5.3 HB to arrange for an additional teapot. HB 5.4 PA advised that it was much easier to empty the hut when everyone stayed around to help. Please could we try to make sure we help to carry stock back to SB's van. ALL 5.5 SB advised that once the electricity has been given the all-clear to be left on full-time, he will be donating a fridge for the hut. 5.6 PA advised that a new urn has been purchased for the association, since the existing one will not be enough for busy matches, and the handle is not the easiest or safest to use. SB to also rewire the old urn due to an old plug. SB 5.7 PA suggested we should charge 60p for hot drinks, with a 10p reduction for members. Several of the committee rejected this idea as being difficult to administer and possibly too expensive. A vote was taken and the motion of a flat 50p for hot drinks was carried. PA to alter price lists. PA 5.8 PA advised that anyone working in the tea-hut is entitled to free tea or coffee only. 6 Fundraising 6.1 PA advised there has been two scratchcards completed, one at the Brighton game and another one at the Worthing Utd game. These cards are quite difficult to sell and anyone interested in selling one should see PA. PA explained we have an agreement with the club not to sell any raffle-like games until after half time. 6.2 PA advised we have received a £5 donation from a member of the management staff, whose support is greatly appreciated. 6.3 PA advised that in order to have a 100 club we would need to open a separate bank account, and explained the possibility of a £10 per month standing order from the member, of which 60% would be used for prizes. PA to raise at AGM for possible interest, and October would be the target start time. HB to collate a register of interest. PA/HB 7 Membership 7.1 HB advised that about 50 members collected their renewal forms from the hut, and 50 had to be posted. Players forms were passed to Barry Lloyd to distribute. 7.2 HB advised that committee members should not be eligible for the free raffle at the AGM, to avoid any conflict. 7.3 HB advised we currently have 26 paid up adult members and 4 paid up junior members for the new season. Cards should be available for members to collect at the AGM or later on from the hut. 8 Other Ideas 8.1 Match sponsorship to be carried forward to next meeting. HB 8.2 PA advised we would hope to have a raffle for the bi-monthly player award, whereby each member pays 50p for a vote, and there would be a draw of the votes to award a prize. All committee members to think about this idea or how else we will be choosing the player to win the award. ALL 8.3 PA showed an example of a pennant he has had made for the Netley Abbey Tartan Army, with a view to having these made up for WFCSA to hand out to away clubs to promote friendship. This was unanimously voted in favour of. PA to design and order the pennants. PA 8.4 PA advised that the tea bar for the Youth team friendly was a great success and that we should endeavour to support the Youth team wherever possible. PA also suggested the possibility of a youth team kit to be sponsored by WFCSA, in blue, so that it may be used for the first team as a third kit where necessary. PA to speak to Jools about this. HB to arrange a list of games and some sort of rota system for tea hut volunteers. PA/HB 9 Financial Report 9.1 · Income to 31.07.02 = £752.66· Value of Stock (Estimated) = £710.52· Expenditure = £752.66 (of which cash in hand = £526)· Committed Outgoings = £643.00 9.2 MW advised that overall we are looking pretty healthy, and able to settle most of our debts. 10 Any Other Business 10.1 HB/SB advised that on 10/08/02 they would be building an additional worktop in the hut for extra space, putting up shelves for display, and changing the plug and extension lead for the tea urn. 10.2 PA advised that he had agreement from Jools that adult shirts sold to under 14's would be sold at a reduced price of £30. Anyone who has already bought such a shirt for an under-14 at £35 should see Jools for a £5 voucher. 10.3 It was suggested that the club shop provide gift vouchers for sale.
PA to speak to Jools. PA |
This site is maintained by Paul Allison for WFCSA. The web-space has been kindly donated by Netley Abbey Tartan Army, of which Paul is a founder member. |