Wednesday 5th September 2001 |
A photo of The Grande Place, pre-match (courtesy of
Stuart) |
Paul pulls a strangely dressed dog, whilst an old bloke
looks on. |
Pipers in Grande Place, pre match (courtesy of
Stuart) |
The Carlisle Tartan Army on active duty in
Belgium, (courtesy of Stuart) |
Paul, Helen and Scott (Notts Scot) with Polish Danny and
his wife. |
On the tube on the way to the game. |
Out of the tube station on the way to the ground. |
Waiting in the crush to get in the turnstiles. |
Taken from inside a bar near the ground,
before kick-off (courtesy of Stuart) |
Paul and Helen on the way to the turnstiles
(courtesy of Ally & Sue) |
The turnstiles awaited. |
Taken from our seats, right behind the goal. |
Looking down on the flags. |
A view across to the main stand. |
Paul, Helen, Clarkston Chris and Bill (Chris's pal) fly
the flag. |
Waiting for kick-off. |
A view from the other side of the Scotland section (courtesy of
Stuart) |
Scotland line up to take the last-minute free kick that
leads to Belgium's second goal. |
The Tartan Army (or what's left) serenade two stewards. |
Over half-an-hour after the final whistle, the stewards
decide they want to go home. |
After the game, drinking with Nicolas and friends in the
Fish Market cafe. |